Episode 7

Published on:

16th Jun 2021

The Baxter

Have you been left at the alter? Went to ask a girl out to the prom only to have another guy step in first? Try to propose to your significant other only to have their ex sky write their name in the sky? Well then, you might be a Baxter. Much like Michael Showalter in this week's episode; 2005's The Baxter!

This film has the Mikes divided. While they both seem to like and dislike the same things about the film, Mike Field believes that the likes outweigh the dislikes. Mike Butler? Not so much.

Listen as the Mikes discuss the comedy stylings of the film, which is half Howard Hawkes and half the absurdist style from members of comedy troupe, The State. Showalter writes, directs and stars in this film, but it seems like his co-stars get some of the funniest bits; especially Justin Theroux and Peter Dinklage. Michelle Williams also knocks it out of the park in the role of Cecil, absolutely harkening back to the romantic costars of celluloid past.

So grab your mojito and watermelon, please notice the no jumping/no diving signs to the left and right of you, and settle down for Forgotten Summer

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About the Podcast

Forgotten Cinema
A podcast about forgotten films that deserve a second chance
Welcome to Forgotten Cinema! Each episode, Mike Field and Mike Butler highlight a film that for a variety of reasons was forgotten by audiences. Whether it be because a more popular movie was released at the same time or the movie simply didn’t catch on with an audience in the its initial run. We’ll discuss what we love about the movie or perhaps don’t love about it and decide whether the movie is worth a revisit.